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Additional services related to the Rainfall Stimulation Projects

The Governor of the State of Nuevo León, Mexico, Samuel García, in a successful rain stimulation flight, an event that occurred on April 19, 2022.
Rain after stimulation.
The Governor of the State of Nuevo León, Mexico, Samuel García, leafing through the Yearbook of the Projects carried out in 2021 by Startup Renaissance.

About us

We are a Mexican company, in which the best chemists, agronomists, meteorologists and people committed to the environment and society collaborate.
We offer solutions through our Rainfall Stimulation (or cloud seeding) technology, under a completely safe approach for the environment, in order to reverse the effects of drought such as:
• Extinguish forest fires
• Fill dams with rainwater for human consumption
• Stimulate agricultural irrigation
• Mitigate hail damage in extensive regions, among others.
Startup Renaissance was born out of a necessity that the lack of rain has been causing in Mexico for some years, registering in 2020 and 2021 the years with the most severe drought since 2011. These droughts have caused fires, damage to the main crops in the country, scarcity of the water supply, in addition to the hunger and thirst of the cattle, and excessively high temperatures.

Drought could be 3 times worse this year in Mexico, 15 states in “water stress”
The lack of rain for prolonged periods generates difficulties that could later impact the availability of food and its costs.

Our cloud seeding technology consists of the application of our own component or compound called RAINMATE® and techniques that, during the aerial operation, cause the coalescence of water around silver iodide molecules that simultaneously induce a triggering reaction causing the precipitation of certain clouds treated in different degree of maturity for the purpose of producing rain.
In addition, our methodology and RAINMATE® allows us:
- To plot stimulation trajectories that enter the defined working polygons;
- To be successful in the winter and summer clouds;
- To attract clouds up to 30 km away within the established perimeter. These characteristics differentiate us from other cloud seeding techniques.

Our technology was tested for the first time in the winter of 2020/21 in Baja California, the driest state in Mexico, with favorable results of our Rainfall Stimulation services that were evaluated by the Mexican Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with the support of the Mexican Ministry of National Defense, by instructions of the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The evaluation considered mainly regarding cattle in the coverage region, with the development of grasslands and pastures that stopped the mortality of livestock and local fauna; days later, with a single Rainfall Stimulation event, the fire that had been going on for days was extinguished, consuming 13,526 hectares in 39 days in the states of Nuevo León and Coahuila.
As a result, the Government of Mexico decided to carry out the Rainfall Stimulation Services again in the summer of the year 2021, during the summer and winter of the year 2022 and year after year in the most desert states of Mexico.

How do we do it?

Photograph of Sedena and Mexican Secretary of Agriculture
Stimulation flight in which the optimal conditions were presented to release the reagent to stimulate the cloud and, as a consequence, precipitation.